Public roundtable event

How does Mendelian randomization help us make sense of diseases?

Thursday 20th June
Arts Complex, Bristol BS8 1UJ
Free, registration required

How do scientists use health and genetics data to learn more about our health? Come along to our free event to hear about some of the latest research advances and ask researchers your own questions about health research.

Mendelian randomization is a powerful tool used in health research to investigate causes of diseases and disorders using information about people’s genetics. On 20th June, world-leading experts in this topic will be gathering in Bristol to discuss the latest advances in the field and we are inviting you to join us. Our in-person roundtable event will see these experts sit down with members of the public to discuss the latest research in genetics and its impact on health outcomes.

We will have experts discussing what we mean by terms like causal inference and epidemiology and what they look like in practice. We will be exploring why looking at diverse populations is important for understanding diseases better and how we determine which findings are trustworthy. We will also look at what these approaches mean for our mental and physical health and how we can identify drug targets.

This free event is open to everyone but is particularly suited to health professionals and to older school students (aged 16+) and undergraduates studying health and science subjects.

Don’t miss out on this unique chance to delve into the world of Mendelian Randomization and its implications for public health. Register now to secure your free spot!